Friday, June 28, 2013

School Holidays!

Hey guys!

My exams are over and now I get to relax and read for 2 weeks until next semester! I've already finished The Secret Hour (Midnighters Book 1) by Scott Westerfeld and that was really really good! I loved it!!

I've got under 1000 pages left in The Stand now! I'm finally making some progress in that thing! :)

I've got quite a few books I've borrowed from people for over the holidays, so for me it's going to be non-stop reading! I'll be happy if I at least finish The Stand, cause that's a damn long book!

Have you guys got any books for over your holidays?

16 days to go till mine end, and they've only just started... *angrily shakes fist at Victorian Education Department cause they suck*

Until next time,


Saturday, June 15, 2013


Hey guys!

I have mid-year exams next week! They start on Friday and I'm freaking out! I've got so much revision to do, but I think I'll do alright, well fingers crossed!

My maths is all done and dusted, I've finished my revision on that, and for English, I'm reading Montana 1948 again for the essay we have to do on it in the exam. German is pretty good, although there's still heaps to do, Art sucks and there's is so much still to do on that, Visual Communication is fine (it's one of those subjects you can just go in and wing it!), and Economics... Well there's a lot of revision there!

The one's I have on Friday are English and Vis-Comm, so i'll be okay, but that weekend is going to be me locked in my room revising! It's not terribly appealing, as I would just like to be reading that whole time, but I have to do it...

My Netball team has gone undefeated all season so far! Today we won 26-7 and it was so much better because that team is really mean so we got 'em!

Anyways, I've got some studying to do!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Days of Blood and Starlight By Laini Taylor

I read this when it just came out, and absolutely loved it.

Karou is discovering more about her old self, Madrigal. We find out that Karou has left Prague, and Kaz is taking advantage of the situation, trying to get as much publicity as he can get over what had happened on the bridge. Karou can no longer trust Akiva and becomes a resurrectionist just as Brimstone was, as well as her former-self.

It was written in such a realistic way, and the betrayal that Karou just can't forgive Akiva for, no matter how much she wants to, is so fun to read, and yet so heart-breaking. You hear about their previous love-life and you just want to scream, KISS AND MAKE-UP ALREADY!! AHH! You want them to and you can feel they're being pulled together again, but Karou suddenly says to herself, he killed my family, and you know there's this nagging voice saying, he didn't want to, he didn't know they weren't monsters. But no. and it makes me sad!

I thought it was fantastically written, with an equally wonderful storyline as the first one, and I love it! So much!


To-read books in the next couple of weeks!

Hey guys!
So currently I'm reading the complete and uncut version of The Stand! I'm 53 pages in and enjoying it so far! I've still got 1368 pages to go, but I love long reads!

My to-read books at the moment are:

  • Cell by Stephen King
  • Velocity by Dean Koontz
  • What the Night Knows by Dean Koontz
  • The Ghosts of Sleath by James Herbert
  • The Book of Lost Tales 1&2 by JRR Tolkien
  • Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (re-read)
  • The DaVinci code by Dan Brown (re-read) 
  • The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (re-read)
  • Inferno (!!!!!) by Dan Brown
  • Midnight by Dean Koontz
  • The Bad Place by Dean Koontz
  • Lightening by Dean Koontz
  • The Three Lorien Legacies books (re-read to get ready for the Fall of Five) by Pittacus Lore
  • The Forsaken by Lisa M Strasse
  • The two Breathing Series books (re-read for Out Of Breath) by Rebecca Donovan (Amazing!!)
And that's it! You might notice there's heaps of horror in there, and that's just cause I'm in a horror mood after just reading Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke again which deals a lot with death, but is still light and absolutely fantastic.
I'm super excited to read these! Also, I promise to put up some reviews of these :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Seed by Ania Ahlborn

I read Seed and I liked it but it was SO SAD! It was also creepy...

Plot summary:

It is a horror story about Jack Winter who has been plagued by a demon for all his life. It possessed him as a child and now has come back to seek revenge on Jack for running away from 'Mr Scratch' and possess his youngest daughter, Charlie. Charlie gives him the nickname, 'Mr Scratch' and he possess her into doing bad things. First they start of small, but then, as the book progresses they get worse and worse.

Ok, Seed was different. I expected there at least to be some resolution by the end, but no, 'Mr Scratch' did to Charlie, what he did to Frank, but at a much younger age.

When Jack goes back to his home town to find a resolution he finds out that he brutally killed his parents, even ate some of their flesh. He grows worried and attempts to kill Charlie before she does any more bad. He finds out that she's killed he sister and strung her up in a tree by her own intestines (creepy and gross), kills him with the knife he intends to stab her with, and decapitates her own mother. AT THE AGE OF FRICKING 6!!!

That's what kind of nibbles at the back of my mind. Why did the demon possess Charlie for a much much shorter time? How is she going to live by herself at her age? This was really bad planning in my point of view by the author. She is just going to be a street kid, who may or may not still be possessed by the demon, who will probably have a short life. The possessed trucker guy can't just take care of her forever.

Charlie's age is a big problem for me, but it also makes the story much creepier. At some point you forget she's just 6 and start thinking she's older.

AND NUBS!!! That was the most tragic dog death there ever has been. Being chased by your most trusted person out onto the road and getting hit by a van. IT WAS SO SAD! and Charlie didn't cry, not once, and I just want to strange 'Mr Scratch.' It was heartbreaking.

I would give it a 3.5 out of 5. It was good, although a bit to creepy for my tastes, but had quite a few loose ends.
~Seashell (Who promises she'll do more reviews!)

I've been so lazy!!


I'm so sorry, I haven't been posting, but yeah here's and update of what's been happening:

  • I finished a bunch of books, so were awesome, but some were... well, not so awesome.
  • Viridian made hardly any sense, but it was definitely for younger readers, so if you're looking for a present for your 9-10 year old person, this would be alright for them.
  • The Host was awesome, and so was Shatter me!! 
  • I had to re-read the whole Fallen series, but the second time it wasn't as good, and now I refuse to read anything that has the main focus on Angels, I'm all angeled out!
  • I'm currently reading City of Ashes (and you may be thinking, doesn't this counteract my last dot-point? No, because yes they are Nephlim, but it isn't the main focus, the main focus is Demons and 'Shadowhunters' etc.
  • I GOT A GOODREADS! You can friend or follow me here: (I already had it, I just started using it)
  • I NEED MONEY FOR BOOKS, i'm kinda almost broke, but there are so many books to read!! Only 3 months until I can legally get a job! 
Okay, so that's pretty much it!
Cya all soon! (I promise)
Happy reading Bookworms!

Friday, March 29, 2013


Hey Bookworms! Help!!

I have sooooo many books to read!! There are seven that i actually own, and then there are another like 20 that i don't.
The ones i own (in order) are:

  • Beautiful Chaos (what I'm in the middle of now and is no. 3 in the Beautiful Creatures series)
  • Beautiful Redemption
  • The Host
  • Viridian
  • Rapture (Fallen)
  • Shatter Me
  • Iron Butterfly
and the ones I don't... well the list is too long to tell you all!
I'm starting to get into books that aren't all YA's (Young Adults) which I think is awesome!

Also I'm starting to write a story! It's called The Labs Creation and it's about a girl who is part-monster (which was genetically engineered and made as an assassin but went haywire, and did i mention it's invisible)
and she knows who it's going to try and kill next, so she helps them, well, not get killed.
The way i just described it, it probably sounds really stupid and crappy, but I can assure you it makes much more sense if you read it!

Books, Books everywhere you look!
In every little cranny and nook,
Inspiring and mystifying
And reading was all it took!

(This little poem was completely made up on the spot but enjoy it!)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Books are taking me over!

Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been "Elsewhere" ;) Oh My Gods... *facepalm*
Ok so as you can see (well if you've read Percy Jackson and Daughter of Smoke and Bone) books are taking over my vocabulary, my mind, my feelings and over all my life. Over the school holidays mostly I've just had my head in a book, and I must have read 25 or so books in almost 8 weeks. If you insult me I will call you a "Pansycake" (divergent thing) maybe even a "Sadistic Pansycake", or say "Go to Tartarus" (Percy Jackson) or if I'm annoyed at my feelings I'll think "just be 'that' cat!" (Daughter of Smoke and Bone), I'll call someone that's good with words a "word-shaker" (The Book Thief), or if you do something smart/brave/selfless/honest/peaceful i will call you erudite/dauntless/abnegation/candor/amity (divergent), or if i hear the words Nuclear Fallout i will think of the FAYZ (gone), or... well you get the idea....

Anyways I'm going to have to go back to the real world, which I haven't been a part of for about 4 weeks, and people are going to think i am insane. I'm not going to be able to think straight so school's going to be disastrous... *sigh*

In the while that I haven't talked much I made a Facebook page called "Books are my life, my love, my passion" and I've got 80 likes in 18 days! How awesome?! and I love it!

So school in 2 days..... I can maybe handle it but I am praying a spider has not decided to make a home in my locker.... If there is I may scream "OH GODS ARACHNE IS AFTER ME!!!" and run away in terror (it's a Percy Jackson thing...)

So Bookworms, wish me luck :)


p.s. I LOVE YOU ALL *Virtual hug!* x <3 <4 (yes that's right, it's a 4. I didn't hit the wrong key!)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

So many books to buy, no money to buy them with...

Hey dere Bookworms!

I've been doing a bunch of odd jobs and stuff around the house and my sister agreed to give me the rest of the money I needed to buy Gone (which I really really really want) if I make her bed. So I do it and she says ok cool, you're not getting the money. I was so angry at her! I JUST WANT TO READ GONE! LET ME DO THAT!

I still haven't managed to pay mum off for the $20 she loaned me to go shopping with m friend. so I wont be getting money from her till I do and I'm sad!

Ever since I found out about Gone I can't concentrate on any other book and it's killing me.


Ok I think I'm alright now but come on... I just can't concentrate on other books because of it.

*sigh* Oh well I'll live (maybe)

Cya all :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year Bookworms!

Heyy Bookworms! Happy New Year!

What are everyone's new years resolutions?

Mine is do pretty much the same as this year but get more books! Yay Books!
I made a list of books that looked good today. Here it is:

  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Matched
  • Almost
  • City of the Falling Sky
  • Shadow's Edge
  • Escaping Destiny
  • Touch of Power
  • The Pledge
  • Beautiful Creatures
  • Legend
  • Under the Never Sky
  • Inside Out
  • Uglies
  • Destiny's Right Hand
  • Gone
  • Maximum Ride: An Angel Experiment
  • and Apocalypse Z
and all up if i get them on my kindle it's $111.49 so I've got to start saving! but it might cost me less because I'm going to ask my friend for her copy of The Perks of Being a Wallflower!

And I think I've found a new favorite author! I already have Cornelia Funke, Rick Riordan, Rebecca Donovan, Veronica Roth, and Laini Taylor, but now Maria V. Snyder is added to the list!

I have other favorite books but not favorite authors....

Is anyone here a fan of Divergent? Because yesterday I pre-asked my mum to go to the premiere of the movie next year! I can't wait for it!

Anyways cya all later Bookworms!